Together, we can create a healthier, stronger Texas—where thriving, not just surviving, is the standard.
Make Texans Healthy Again is dedicated to empowering individuals with the freedom and tools to take control of their health. By focusing on preventative care and tackling the root causes of chronic disease, we aim to promote wellness, reduce healthcare costs, and improve quality of life for all Texans.
Travis McCormick, Founder
The statistics are startling
Obesity: Over the last 50 years
Deaths from Alzheimer’s disease
Antidepressant Use: Fivefold+ Increase
Military Readiness: A 2020 Pentagon Qualified Military Available Study revealed that 77% of Americans are ineligible for military service, with 60% of males aged 17 to 24 failing to meet medical fitness standards, according to the U.S. Office of People Analytics.